Breeding Philosophy
Founded On Tradition
The 1970s and 1980s saw the influence of American genetics beginning to impact on Australian Angus herds. Although Stuart could see some advantages in terms of weight and height, he was determined to keep balance in his cattle and not be swayed by the rush to massive size which later adversely affected many studs. He remained less than impressed by the appearance and structure of most of the American bulls, believing that in due course the integrity of the Angus breed would suffer if their genetics became too widespread in Australia. It was Stuart’s decision at this time to look to New Zealand for stud sires. His experience in New Zealand confirmed that he could achieve the weight performance and marbling that the Australian markets demanded without compromising his ideals of structure and constitution and this ultimately set the foundation for the Glengowan stud as it is today.

Focused On The Future
Today, as a result of Stuart’s philosophy, the Glengowan herd is infused with some of the best New Zealand genetics on offer including bloodlines from major NZ studs such as Hingaia, Turihaua, Tangihau, Rangatira, Kaharau, Turiroa, Te Mania, Cricklewood and Stern. Stuart was forced to retire from active work in 2000 due to failing eyesight and in 2005 his daughter Sandra and her husband Richard Retallack took over the ownership of the Glengowan stud. Over the last fifteen or so years we have strived to retain the thickness, softness and constitution which are a hallmark of NZ cattle while at the same time focusing on our local Australian markets. Today our female herd remains based on NZ genetics but we have also introduced Australian sires such as Banquet J263, Raff Jovial, Raff Hingaia, Millah Murrah Kruze Time K400, Ascot Hallmark, Ascot Lionheart, Millah Murrah Powerpoint Q188, Millah Murrah Paratrooper and Millah Murrah Loch Up P121 which have been carefully selected to add frame to the herd without compromising our multi-generational building blocks of depth, fertility and temperament. The modern Glengowan cattle retain the best of their NZ attributes while also demonstrating a true balance of type and performance best suited to the Australian market. Our core aim is to continue to produce cattle with depth, fertility and quietness with a focus always on profitability.