The Glengowan Difference
The difference is genetic.
Glengowan genetics are unique in Australia because the Glengowan cows have predominantly New Zealand bloodlines. Our herd is therefore not subject to many of the problems, defects and uncertainties which come to us from the overuse of American genetics and we provide an excellent alternative to those bloodlines. Glengowan has always been at the forefront of using New Zealand genetics in Australia and since the late 1970’s we have imported semen from many top NZ sires. The progeny of these cows are very consistent with excellent constitutions, moderate frames, sound structure and a good amount of growth. They are outstanding at converting grass to beef (net feed Intake) and this is being increasingly recognized as a vital trait for any cattle enterprise’s bottom line. All Glengowan bulls will add proven outcross genetics to any program.

The difference is maternal.
Every Glengowan bull has behind him an exceptionally consistent, strong maternal heritage which is rare in the breed today. Many Angus studs in Australia are less than ten years old and do not have the balance and dependability of the breeding found here. It takes many years to create a quiet, strong, consistent, proven line of cattle. A hot key to “Selectabull”, a mail order catalogue and a few rounds of ET do not create bulls with genetics you can trust. Breeding by numbers (EBVs) and breeding for numbers often results in cattle with unpredictable temperaments and lack of constitution. At Glengowan this does not happen as there are sixty years of assessment and selection behind every animal. Every attribute is assessed and every animal is treated as an individual. If it does not perform, it does not stay. We believe anyone can breed cattle with good figures but not everyone can breed good cattle.

The difference is commercial.
We don’t just have stud cattle. Our breeding program is constantly tested and evaluated within our own 1500 strong commercial herd. We consider it is vital to know first-hand how your bulls will perform under paddock conditions. Our Blayney environment is a challenging one and all the cattle have to show stamina and produce good calves, whether it is in 40 degree heat or a metre of snow. A selection of stud bulls from each drop as well as most of the older stud sires make their way into the commercial herd and all have to perform in a purely commercial environment. If the bulls we breed in the stud don’t produce superior replacement heifers or the calibre of steers we expect to put into the sale yards then we would quickly realize we are on the wrong track. Our performance indicators are simple; ease of calving, weight, longevity and a good price at the end of the day. These differences set Glengowan apart from every other stud in Australia and they are the basis for all we do. The benefits and advantages are passed along to everyone who buys a Glengowan bull.